
Tecnologia de Traductor
The objects
Podries dir a aquests animalets quin és l'objecte que han escrit?
Ajuda l'os a recollir les lletres que necessita per fer la paraula.
Clica amb el ratolí damunt la lletra que surt al canó i veuràs una paraula que comença amb l'esmentada lletra.
Letters sounds
Aquí sentiràs com sonen les lletres i algunes paraules que hi comencen.
Tria una lletra i escolta i llegeix les paraules que hi comencen.
Cada lletra té un dibuix que podràs pintar i així repassar el nom de les lletres i els colors.

Escolta el so i arrosega el seu nom damunt la frase.

                    Play Book Skills
an   at  
How the Alphabet Got Its Order
en   et  
Left to Right (How We Read and Write)
Left to Right
ig   ip  
The Vowels Save the Day
ot   og  
Short Vowel
The Amazing Silent-E
Silent E
Make a Word, then add the Silent E Picture Find: Long-A Words
Make-a-Word, Double-E ink  
Make-a-Word, Long-I Make-a-Match: Short Vowel Review
Sight  Words
Make-a-Word, Long-O Picture Find: Long-O Words
Chunk That Word
Make-a-Word, Long-U Make-a-Match: Long Vowel Review
Long Vowel
The Lonely Vowel at the End of a Word
Lonely Vowel
Make-a-Word Make-a-Match: Long Vowel Review
Vowel Teams
When Vowel Teams Go Walking
Vowel Teams
Make-a-Word Picture Find: R-Controlled O
R-Control O
Make-a-Word Make-a-Match: Long Vowel Review
Picture Find: R-Controlled O
Y as Long E
Make-a-Match: More Vowels Review
More Vowels
Y Can Be a Vowel
Y as a Vowel

Objective: To spell words using common spelling patterns.
Falling Phonics
Tetris meets Phonics
Learn to spell using homophone spelling patterns.

Objective: To spell common irregular words.
Loo Cover Write Check
Loo Cover Write Check
(Limited Demo)
This is a limited version of the Loo Cover Write Check App. A fun twist on the look cover write check model to spell common irregular words.

Objective: To spell words using common spelling patterns.
Forest Phonics
Forest Phonics
This is a limited version of the Forest Phonics App. A fun way to practise spelling through the use of patterns.

Objective: To spell words using common spelling patterns.
Sound Buttons
Sound Buttons
This is a demonstration tool using a phoneme frame to teach common phoic spellings. Click on the sound buttons to hear each phoneme.

Objective: To read words with known spelling patterns. To recognise common words and read on sight. To use ICT to support your writing
wordy woods: word diplay for the IWB
The Wordy Woods
This is a classroom display resource for saving lists of useful words for display on your Interactive White Board. 

Objective: Read sentences using words with known spelling patterns. Develop the skill of practising a sentence before you write it.
Chute Shuffle: Read the sentence and then rearrange the clouds to make that sentence.
Chute Shuffle
Read the sentence s. Once you have read it, chant/say the sentence at least three times to commit it to memory. Then re-arrange the cloud words. 

Objective: To read words with known spelling patterns. To recognise common words and read on sight. To use ICT to support your writing
Phoneme Patterns: A display of word patterns for your IWB
Phoneme Patterns
This resource is a quick reminder of decodable words from each spelling pattern. We use Ruth Miskin's Read Write Inc (which is great!) at school and hence the resource follows the patterns as they appear in RWI. 

Objective: To read words with known spelling patterns. To recognise common words and read on sight.
Help A Hedgehog
Help A Hedgehog
A class teaching resource. Enter around 15 words that you have recently taught. Then race to read as many of them as you can within 1 minute.

Objective: To segment words for spelling.
Foam Phonemes
Foam Phonemes
A class teaching resource. Select the sounds you need to make words with the same sound pattern, e.g. all 'ay' words.

Objective: Todemonstratecorrect letter and number formation.
writing repeater
Writing Repeater
This is a teaching tool. Use it on your Interactive White Board to model correct number and letter formation.Then replay your writing.

Objective: To blend sounds to read words.
Blending Dragon: Quicky read the word, catch correct ones and fly through the gate to get rid of false words
Blending Dragon
Move the dragon with your mouse. Catch the real words and fly through the arch to move the wrong words on. Choose from a range of patterns. 

Objective: Read and spell words which use a common spelling pattern.
DJ Cow: Word Searches for each spelling pattern, different everytime
DJ Cow's Spelling Patterns
Choose a spelling pattern and DJ Cow will make a wordsearch for it. .
A wordsearch that is focussed on common spelling patterns that you choose.


To segment and then blend phonemes when reading. To become familiar with new phonemes by reading lots of words containing one spelling pattern.

Dinosaur Eggs (Phonic version):  Choose a spelling pattern. Listen to the target word, then slelect the correct egg. 10 correct  answers will give you a  certificate.
The Dinosaur's Eggs
(Spelling Pattern Version)
Choose which group of words you wish to practise. Listen to the word, choose the correct egg and then press 'next'. If you are right the sabre-toothed will put a scratch on the tree. When you have completed ten goes you will be able to print out a certificate including all of the words you read and thoise that you need to work on. 

To segment and then blend phonemes when reading. To become familiar with new phonemes by reading lots of words containing one spelling pattern

The Dinosaur's Eggs (high frequency words version)
The Dinosaur's Eggs
(high frequency word version)
Choose which group of words you wish to practise. Listen to the word, choose the correct egg and then press 'next'. If you are right the sabre-toothed will put a scratch on the tree. When you have completed ten goes you will be able to print out a certificate including all of the words you read and thoise that you need to work on. 

Objective: To blend sounds in words. To identify real words and those which are not real.
Poop Deck Pirates
Poop Deck Pirates
Choose your spelling pattern. Read the words. Keep the good ones.
To generate discussion about scientific vocabulary. To encourage the use of accurate scientific vocabulary..

Science Bingo
Science Bingo
Print off one page from the bingo cards. Then photocopy and cut up for your children. A bingo activity using bingo cards downloaded from here:

Right-click on this link and select "Save Target As'. Then print the pdf bingo cards.
This is not so much a reading activity, rather more a starting point for discussion / revision of scientific vocabulary.
To develop a sight vocabulry of high frequency words.

High Frequency Word Bingo: Print off the bingo cards, select your game and the play a different bingo game every time.
High Frequency Word Bingo
(Bingo with the kinds of words you get in a tin from school)
Print off one page from the bingo cards. Then photocopy and cut up for your children. A bingo activity using bingo cards downloaded from here:

Right-click on this link and select "Save Target As'. Then print the pdf bingo cards.

High frequency words taken from Letters and Sounds, Appendix 1 and 2.
To develop independence when writing.
To encourage ambitious word choices when writing.

Editable Offline IWB Dictionary
Editable IWB Dictionary
Use as a support for writing when working with a guided writing group. Display this resource on the IWB. When you need to check the spelling of a word, click on the pages to move them along.
To develop independence when writing.

Year 1 & 2 IWB Dictionary
Year 1 & 2 Interactive White Board (IWB) Dictionary
Use as a support for writing when working with a guided writing group. Display this resource on the IWB. When you need to check the spelling of a word, click on the pages to move them along.
To develop independence when writing.

Year 1 & 2 IWB Dictionary
Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Interactive White Board (IWB) Dictionary
Use as a support for writing when working with a guided writing group. Display this resource on the IWB. When you need to check the spelling of a word, click on the pages to move them along.
Apply phonic knowl;edge as prime approach to reading new and unfamiliar words.

Rhyming Rockets: Shoot thet rockets that rhyme
Rhyming Rockets

Read your rhyme and then shoot the rhyming rockets.
Reading for understanding.

Tell A T Rex: Read the silly questions and say 'yes' or 'no'
Tell a T-Rex

Read the silly question and then answer yes or no.
To support phoneme recognition.

Sound groups from 'Letters and Sounds'.
Phoneme Pop (links to Letters and Sounds Phonics Scheme)
Phoneme Pop (Letters and Sounds)

Sound groups taken from 'Letters and Sounds', e.g. sets 1 & 2 "s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d".
If this activity runs slowly on your machine, right-click and selelct 'quality' and then 'medium'.
To support phoneme recognition.Sound groups from 'Playing With Sounds'.

Phoneme Pop
Phoneme Pop

Sound groups taken from 'Playing With Sounds', e.g. group1 "s,m,c,t,g,p,a,o".
If this activity runs slowly on your machine, right-click and selelct 'quality' and then 'medium'.
To support blending when reading.
Phoneme Pop (CVC words)

Select a medial vowel and pop the your target bubbles.
To support phoneme recognition.Sound groups from 'Playing With Sounds'.

Sound Bingo: Print off your bingo cards and then look for your sounds.
Sound Bingo

A bingo activity using bingo cards downloaded from here:

Right-click on this link and select "Save Target As'. Then print the pdf bingo cards.

Sound groups taken from 'Playing With Sounds', e.g. group1 "s,m,c,t,g,p,a,o".
To support blending phonemes when reading.
Blending Bingo: Print off your bingo cards. Then play a different bingo game each time.
Blending Bingo

A bingo activity using bingo cards downloaded from here:

Right-click on this link and select "Save Target As'. Then print the pdf bingo cards.
To support blending phonemes when reading.
Letters and Sounds Bingo
Letters and Sounds Bingo

A bingo activity using bingo cards downloaded from here:

Right-click on this link and select "Save Target As'. Then print the pdf bingo cards.
Identify initial, medial and final phonemes in CVC and CCVC words..
Ladybird Lander
Ladybird Lander

Think of a CVC or CCVC word and ask the children to identify the phonemes. Select sounds by clicking on the ladybirds letter sounds and then on the flowers.

NB: Does not offer digraphs, trigraphs or vowel phonemes.
Y1: To write simple sentences.
To read on sight familiar words.
ICT: To use a word bank to support writing.
Writing Runway: Type a sentence for your child. Then ask them to place each word on the runway. Press on the tick to launch the jet fighter.
Writing Runway

Directed mainly at Year One. The adult enters the target sentence. Read the sentence with the children and then press the blue button.
Then ask the children to make the same sentence using the word bank.
Initial letter sound recognition.
Letter Lifter: Start the belt. Type the initial sound for the picture.
Letter Lifter

A game for foundation stage children. Spot the starting sound for the things on the conveyor belt.
Objective: Correct letter formation.
Sky Writer: Choose the sound and watch the aeroplane make it in sky writing.
Sky Writer

A demonstration tool for letter formation.
Try putting you finger in the air and follow the Sky Writer.
Objective: Consonant - vowel - consonant spelling patterns.
Three Letter House
3 Letter House

A whole class teaching tool useful for identifying real cvc words.
Objective: Read and spell words which use a common spelling pattern.

DJ Cow: Find words with spelling patterns. A different puzzle every time.
DJ Cow's Spelling Patterns

Choose a spelling pattern and DJ Cow will make a wordsearch for it. .
A wordsearch that is focussed on common spelling patterns that you choose.
Objective: Read and spellYear One and Two high frequency words.

Spelling Ship
Spelling Ship

Read and spell Reception Year high frequency words.
A cross betwen Hangman and LCWC.
Objective: Read and spellReception high frequency words.

YR Words Spelling Ship (Hangman)
YR Words
Spelling Ship

Read and spell Reception Year high frequency words.
A cross betwen Hangman and LCWC.
Objective: Read and spell initial consonant clusters.

Cluster Buster
Cluster Buster

Read and spell initial consonant clusters.
This game runs through 26 of the initial consonant clusters that children will working around the time of Years 1 and 2.
Objective: Words to be taught as 'sight recognition' through YR to Y2.

Word Reader
Word Reader

Listen to the word and choose which flower has that word underneath it.
This game runs through 37 of the easier Year 1 and 2 high frequency words.
Objective: Recognise letters of the alphabet and initial letter sounds of words.

Phonic Fighter
Phonic Fighter

Aliens are stealing the letters of the alphabet, you have to recognise what sound they make and click on the objects that begin with that sound.
Objective: Words to be taught as 'sight recognition' through YR to Y2.
Look, Cover, Write, Check
Look, Cover, Write, Check

A game simulating the 'look cover write check' technique for improving spelling.
Adapted with kind permission from an idea by Mark Robinson.
Objective: Words to be taught as 'sight recognition' through YR to Y2.

Dinosaur Eggs
Dinosaur Eggs

A reading game dealing with the harder year 1 and 2 words.
Listen to the voice and choose the egg that shows that word. If you get it wrong you miss out on getting a leaf, so get it right first time!

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